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Spanish Language Courses for Exchange Students in SuSe 2025

Exchange students can attend any number of the English-taught classes listed on this page across all faculties and take the respective examinations. English-taught classes that are not listed on this page are not permitted for exchange students to register for examinations. If you would like to take German-taught classes across faculties as an exchange student, we appreciate this; please inform yourself about the German-language courses on offer via the curricula of the individual degree programmes and complete this form and send it to the Mobility Administration within one month of the start of the semester.

International School

Courses ECTS Professor
Ciencia de Datos 5 Prof d'Andria
Finanzas Corporativas 5 Prof Heinemann
Estrategia Competitiva y Diseño Organizacional 5 Ms García Luján Ávila
Comunicación Intercultural 5 Ms García Luján Ávila
Liderazgo Directivo y Competencias Interpersonales 5 Ms García Luján Ávila
Gestión Estratégica del Talento 5 Ms García Luján Ávila