Study-related stays abroad have long been part of the standard of successful study courses: Every year, more than 4 million students worldwide are internationally mobile. There are many different possibilities for study-related international mobility: In 2017, 58% of all German students studied abroad (e.g. semesters abroad), 34% conducted an internship, 14% a field trip, and 11% other mobility formats. These diverse possibilities serve the mobility interests differentiated according to subject cultures and courses of study.
Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences makes it easy for its students to gain their own experience abroad: There are contacts to around 150 partner institutions, as well as involvement in mobility consortia and the possibility of financing stays abroad via various EU or DAAD programmes. The following pages will give you an initial overview of the many possibilities for study-related stays abroad. Your respective faculty coordinator will support you in the professional planning of your stay abroad; the staff of the International Office will be at your disposal for administrative questions regarding the planning, financing and processing of the stay.