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Stud.IP - The internet platform for your study at the Faculty Mechanical Engineering

Introduction words

Please note, that Stud.IP is a very powerful tool for the organization of lectures and examinations. All informations concerning the course organization a realized with this software:

  • registration in subjects and lab groups
  • schedule and times of subjects
  • documents and scripts distribution
  • messages concerning changes in the schedule
  • announcement of contents of lectures
  • chats about subjects
  • offers for internships, jobs and topics for master thesis

1th: Registration for university-wide ID

Prerequisite for logging into the system Stud.IP is the personal university ID. For this you need the service key of your study admission.
It requires a central registration under Follow the instructions.

If the registration was successful, you can use now Stud.IP too.

2th: Registration at the system Stud.IP

Registration on the system with HS-ID and password at

Choose the English language.

Read the "Announcements" on the home page.

Now you are known to the system.

3th: private homepage and settings

You can now fill your homepage and make settings. Please check Stud.IP mailbox regularly for your new messages. You can make individual settings under "Profiles" -> "Settings".

Forwarding of messages: In "messages", under "Send a copy of all messages to your e-mail address", select "if requested by sender". For urgent messages you will then receive an email to your university email address. If you wish to forward the messages to your private email address, please enter "always".  But then make sure that the message can also be delivered (sufficient space in your private mailbox)

4th: Selection of subjects/lectures

5th: Schedule and appointment planner

Now go to your appointment planner and look at your appointments: "Planner" -> "Appointment calendar"

6th: Subscription on your smartphone

You can subscribe to your diary on your smartphone by clicking "Share calendar" and generate the address. This you have to add to your calendar. Make sure you "subscribe" to the calendar, not just "export." This will also show you all changes to your calendar, and that applies to all your future subjects.

Working with Stud.IP

If available, you will find detailed schedules, informations, lecture notes and bibliographical references for the individual events.
They are now available to anyone who is logged in to the system via a system message or e-mail. You can make additional personal settings on your personal homepage. (Message forwarding to private e-mail addresses, address book, etc.)
Behind the question mark (help pocket) on each page you will find a page-related help.
In case of problems you can contact the administrator of Faculty Maschinenbau at any time.

When logging in, always pay attention to the red symbols, they stand for "I have not seen yet".

Go to Stud.IP at the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden:

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