The Presidential Board comprises the President, the Vice President for Research and Transfer, the Vice President for Studies and International Relations and the Chancellor. The President governs the university and is its official representative. As Chairman of the Senate he prepares and carries out its resolutions. In accordance with the principles of the senate, he makes financial decisions regarding personnel and material resources. The Vice Presidents deputise for the President. The Chancellor deputises in all personnel, legal, university planning and financial matters.
Vice-President for Studies and International Relations
Prof. Dr. Uwe Hettler
Marketing, Wirtschaftsinformatik
House: K, Room: 0201
+49 3683 - 688 1005
Vice-President for Research and Transfer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Seul
Fertigungstechnik und Werkzeugkonstruktion
House: D, Room: 0327
+49 3683 688 2103