Preparation and Nomination
You should start planning your ERASMUS+ exchange mobility about a year in advance. Find out more on the homepage of your faculty or consult your responsible faculty coordinator regarding suitable universities, study programmes, duration and financing. The faculty coordinator will also give you a deadline to submit your application to the faculty. After this period, your application will be forwarded to the International Office. The responsible ERASMUS+ coordinator will then ask you to confirm your desired exchange programme within the specified period (one or two semesters), after which she will nominate you at the respective host university.
If you have become curious before your mobility, you can read the experiences and impressions of former exchange students here. Alternatively, these can also be viewed in printed form in the Cellarius Library.
Registration and funding
You will now be automatically admitted to theERASMUS+ programme without any further application on your part. In the next step, you will receive the application document for ERASMUS+ funding, again by e-mail from the ERASMUS+ Coordinator (important: double funding is excluded, please inform yourself accordingly).
At the end of the nomination period at the host university you will be contacted directly by them receiving further information and, if applicable, a request to submit further documents. From this point in time, please clarify any questions in this regard with the respective contact person of the host university.
Letter of Acceptance and Learning Agreement
The host university will then send you the Letter of Acceptance, which you should immediately forward to the ERASMUS+ coordinator at the International Office of Schmalkalden University. In addition, you must now, in consultation with your faculty coordinator, complete and sign the Learning Agreement and then send it (as a scan) to the host university. Later, please forward to our ERASMUS+ coordinator the Learning Agreement signed by the host university and returned to you.
Grant Agreement and Finalising the Preparation
She will then send you the Grant Agreement, which again you must complete, sign and return. At the same time, you will also receive a link to the compulsory OSL language course and the ERASMUS+ Charter with information on your planned mobility.
Health Insurance
On the website you will find independent information regarding your insurance coverage during your mobility abroad. There is also a comparison calculator that allows you to search for suitable insurance policies and general information about your semester abroad.
Whether you need a visa depends on the country of destination. Within Europe, no visas are required for EU citizens; however, for the US, Canada and Australia, for example, they are. Your host university or a person in charge of your exchange programme will tell you what special type of visa is required. In most cases, this is a so-called study permit that allows you to study in this country for a certain period of time. This does not constitute a longer-term residence permit. As a rule, the visa is applied for at the embassy of the respective target country. Please take care of this as early as possible, as often are delays.
Beginning of the mobility
This completes the preparation of your study mobility at least on the university side, and you can now travel to your host university for the planned start of your studies. There you will receive a letter confirming your arrival, which you should immediately forward to our ERASMUS+ coordinator. You will then receive your first scholarship payment of 70% of the total grant.
During the mobility
Now you can (if not already done) design your study timetable. If there are any changes to the previously submitted Learning Agreement, simply fill in the section "Changes made during the mobility", sign it, have the responsible person at the host university sign it and send a scan to your foreign coordinator, who will forward the signed document to our ERASMUS+ coordinator again. You may receive further information during your mobility.
After the mobility
You must submit the following documents no later than five weeks after your return:
- Transcript of Records
- Confirmation from the host university of the exact duration of the mobility
- Fully signed original Learning Agreement (including the section "After the mobility": transfer here the information from the Transcript of Records; by his signature the faculty coordinator confirms the recognition of the achievements)
- Printout of your overview of marks as soon as all marks are transferred from the Transcript of Records
- Report on your mobility abroad (you will receive information on this via e-mail) and online report (you will receive a request by e-mail including an appropriate link immediately after your return)
- Our Learning Agreement guidelines might be helpful
The second instalment of the ERASMUS+ grant may only be disbursed once these documents have been submitted in full. We hope that you were completely satisfied with your mobility abroad. Perhaps an internship abroad is also an option for you in the future?