Research Data Management (RDM) refers to a set of measures and procedures for handling research data throughout its entire lifecycle, starting from generation, through storage, licensing, archiving, and reuse. According to the GO FAIR initiative, research data should be 'FAIR': Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable.
RDM is an important element of the digitization strategy at both national and European levels and is a programmatic component in creating a digital European ecosystem.
The most important tool for implementing RDM in practice is the Data Management Plan (DMP). It has become an essential part of many project proposals. The university aims to support researchers in the field of RDM through guidelines and information. To promote RDM at the Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW) in Thuringia, the FDM-HAWK competence cluster was established. This initiative is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and financed by the EU. It consolidates the RDM capacities of the HAWs in Jena, Nordhausen, Erfurt, and Schmalkalden.
In line with good scientific practice, Schmalkalden University has issued guidelines for handling research data and published the statutes on safeguarding good scientific practice in Announcement No. 5 of 2021.
Link to the project page:
Current links on research data management
Blechhammer Podcast on Research Data Management
TKFDM - Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management
DFG - German Research Foundation
Re3Data - Registry of Research Data Repositories
DBT - Digital Library of Thuringia
NFDI - National Research Data Infrastructure
Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena
University of Applied Sciences Nordhausen