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Hochschulrektorenkonferenz & Weltoffenheit

Die Hochschule Schmalkalden is a member of the German Rectors' Conference and is thus expressly committed to the adopted mission statement. This is also linked to the commitment to the nationwide campaign against xenophobiat:

"The member universities of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK) are set to oppose xenophobia in Germany as part of a nationwide initiative. The HRK members are committing to their stance with the slogan “Universities for openness, tolerance and against xenophobia”. They are reacting to racist verbal and physical attacks in Germany and to growing isolationism in some European countries and the rest of the world, including the USA."


Mission Statement of the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK)

  • The HRK represents the universities and hence the institutional centre of the German higher education and research sector.
  • The HRK stands up for autonomy and freedom as the foundations for the art and science, research and teaching carried out in the universities. It expresses and defends these values through its public advocacy and its national, European and international activities.
  • The HRK regards the diversity and open-mindedness of the universities as crucial prerequisites for academic work and cooperation, which in turn constitute the most important resources of a liberal society fit for the future.
  • The HRK brings the diversity, capacity for innovation and research productivity of its member institutions to prominence, thus illustrating the unique strength of the German higher education and research landscape.
  • Through its member institutions, the HRK brings to the fore the whole spectrum of forms and cultures of academic and artistic teaching and research, and campaigns for their reliable long-term funding and resourcing.
  • The HRK fosters dialogue between the universities and between the various types of universities. It gives voice to their shared interests vis-a-vis government, industry and society with a view to strengthening the entire higher education system and as a basis for the specific profile of each university.
  • The HRK develops recommendations to promote high quality higher education and research, the support for academics at all career levels, international university exchange, innovation and transfer, and models of good university governance.
  • The HRK considers its public advocacy vis-à-vis government, industry and society as a contribution to safeguarding the higher education system, while at the same time further developing and future-proofing that system by devising concepts and strategies.
  • The HRK shapes and promotes dialogue within the higher education and research sector and its associated networks. As a member of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany, it supports and backs appropriate measures in order to achieve joint representation of the interests of German research at the national, European and international level.

HRK Executive Board, 11 March 2019


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