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English Language Courses for Exchange Students in WiSe 2024/2025

Exchange students can attend any number of the English-taught classes listed on this page across all faculties and take the respective examinations. English-taught classes that are not listed on this page are not permitted for exchange students to register for examinations. If you would like to take German-taught classes across faculties as an exchange student, we appreciate this; please inform yourself about the German-language courses on offer via the curricula of the individual degree programmes and complete this form and send it to the Mobility Administration within one month of the start of the semester.


The courses are for all international incoming students and are only offered before the semester starts. A participation is not possible during the semester.

Registration for the pre-onboarding courses is obligatory. You can find more information in the syllabus.

Course ECTS Lecturer
See you in Schmalkalden
Online, 16th to 27th September 2024
3 Ms Petschauer

Faculty of Business and Economics

Lectures ECTS Lecturer
Mathematics 5 Ms Clauß
Soft Skills 5 Prof Herbert/ M.Rickes
Current Topics in Marketing 5 Prof Ullrich
Corporate Finance 5 Prof Heinemann
Innovation in the Digital Era 5 Prof d'Andria
Data Science 5 Prof d'Andria
Microeconomics 5 Ms Kotsch
Principles of Marketing 5 Ms Kotsch
Financial Reporting 5 Prof Gemeinhardt
Principles of Economics 5 Ms Fröbrich
Financial Accounting 5 Ms Fröbrich
Behavioural Economics 5 Dr Özgümüs
Transformation and Change Management 5 Dr Aichroth

Faculty of Computer Science

Faculty of Business Law


Lectures ECTS Lecturer
Anglo-American Bankruptcy Management 2.5 Prof Schellberg
Financial Management 2.5 Prof Schellberg
Anglo-American Law 2.5 Prof Schackmar
Doing Business in Germany 2.5 Prof Schellberg


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Attention: Module "Production Technology" is cancelled. For changes in your Learning Agreement, please send an e-mail to

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Lectures ECTS Lecturer
Automatic Control 5 Prof Bachmann
Computer Vision 5 Prof Schweigel
Machine Learning 5 Prof Schweigel
Digital Signal Processing 5 Prof Roppel
Microelectronic Technologies 5 Prof Knechtel
Introduction to LabView 5 Prof Schweigel
Communication Systems 5 Prof Roppel
Artificial Intelligence 5 Prof Bachmann
Sensor Systems 5 Prof Knechtel
Automation Control 5 Prof Bachmann

International School 

(a) Language and Communication: German 

In the study area “Language and Communication: German" we offer German language courses during the semester from A1 to C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They are aimed at all foreign students who wish to develop or broaden their knowledge of German language and culture during their stay in Schmalkalden. As the number of participants is limited, students are advised to register before the semester starts. Registrations are only possible via Stud.IP. The range of courses is as follows:

Lectures ECTS Lecturer  Exam    
German Language A1.1  (Group 1) 5 Dr Toronyi  
German Language A1.1  (Group 2) 5 Dr Toronyi  
German Language A1.1  (Group 3) 5 Dr Toronyi  
German Language A1.2  (Group 1)
5 Ms Manco Villa  
German Language A1.2  (Group 2)
5 Ms Manco Villa  
German Language A1.2  (Group 3) Online  5 Mr Renz  
German Language A1.2  (Group 4) 5 Ms Pesavento  
German Language A2.1  (Group 1) 5 Mr Romero  
German Language A2.1  (Group 2) 5 Mr Romero  
German Language A2.2  (Group 1) 5 Ms Pesavento  
German Language A2.2  (Group 2) Online  5 Dr Renz  
Verbal Communication A2 (Online) 5 Dr Renz  
German Language B1.1  (Group 1) 5 Mr Romero  
German Language B1.1  (Group 2) Online 5 Dr Renz  
German Language B1.2  (Group 1) 5 Mr Romero  
Verbal communication B1 (Online) 5 Mr Renz  
German Language B2.1 5 Mr Romero  
German Language B2.2 5 Mr Romero  
German Language C1.1 5 Mr Renz  


(b) Language and Communication: English 

In the study area “Language and Communication” we offer applied English language courses that are complemented by lectures on intercultural issues. The course on “Business English” prepares the students for demanding professional activities in an international context. The complementary courses on interculturality aim at an enlightened and reflected foreign experience with intercultural awareness. Additionally, we offer tailored courses on academic writing and reading in an international context. As the number of participants is limited, students are advised to register via Stud.IP before the semester starts. The range of courses is as follows:

Lectures ECTS Lecturer Exam
Academic Reading
3 Dr Moura                      
Academic Writing
3 Dr Moura  
Business English for Beginners
(Group 1)
5 Dr Toronyi  
Business English for Beginners
(Group 2)
5 Dr Toronyi  
Cross-Cultural Communication in a Global World    3 Dr Toronyi  
International Business Communication 5 Ms Bagchi  
Personal Branding 3 Ms Wassink  
Successful Public Speaking
(Group 1)
3 Dr Shegebayev       
Successful Public Speaking
(Group 2)
3 Dr Shegebayev  

(c) Introduction to German Studies 

The study area “Introduction to German Studies” is supposed to facilitate the students’ orientation in the host country, to sensitise them to cultural and country-specific characteristics in Germany as well as to impart knowledge on Germany’s higher education system. Students are highly recommended to join the introductory workshop in English. Furthermore, the International Office offers field trips to various destinations in order for the students to gather country-specific experience outside the study location. It should be noted that these trips involve a small personal financial contribution. The range of courses is as follows: 

Lectures ECTS Lecturer Exam
Applied German Studies: Mittelbau-Dora Memorial 1 Ms Friedrich.                            
Applied German Studies: Exploring Diversity in Berlin     1 Ms Friedrich´  
Applied German Studies: Berlin 3 Dr Hornung  
Introduction to German Studies   3 Dr Hornung  

(d) Introduction to European Studies

The study area “Introduction to International Relations and European Studies” addresses students from outside Europe as well as all other students interested in the socio-scientific analysis of international relations. There is a specific introduction in every semester, which is also suitable for beginners. The range of courses is as follows:  

Lectures ECTS Lecturer Exam
Introduction to European Studies     3 Dr Hornung                          

(e) International Electives 

The range of courses within the area “International Electives” is supplemented by courses on changing subjects in English. Those events cover comprehensive international aspects relevant to students from all fields. The range of courses is as follows: 

Lectures ECTS Lecturer Exam
Start-Up-Thinking and Entrepreneurial Spirit 3 Ms Wassink                    
We+ Social Leaders for Community Empowerment    3 Ms Wassink  
Principles of Marketing 3 Ms Bagchi  
Global Marketing Research Project 5 Ms Bagchi