Englischsprachige Lehrveranstaltungen für Austauschstudierende im WiSe 2024/2025
Austauschstudierende können fakultätsübergreifend beliebig viele der auf dieser Seite angegebenen englischsprachigen Lehrveranstaltungen besuchen und die jeweiligen Prüfungen belegen. Englischsprachige Lehrveranstaltungen, die nicht auf dieser Seite gelistet sind, sind für Austauschstudierende zur Prüfungsanmeldung nicht zulässig. Wenn Sie als Austauschstudent/in fakultätsübergreifend deutschsprachige Lehrveranstaltungen belegen möchten, begrüßen wir das; informieren Sie sich über das deutschsprachige Lehrangebot gern über die Curricula der einzelnen Studiengänge und senden Sie binnen einen Monats nach Semesterbeginn dieses Formular ausgefüllt an die Mobilitätsverwaltung.
Die Kurse stehen allen internationalen Incoming-Studierenden offen und werden vor Semesterbeginn angeboten. Eine Teilnahme während des laufenden Semesters ist nicht möglich.
Eine Anmeldung zu den Pre-Onboarding-Kursen ist erforderlich. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Syllabus.
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Dozierende |
See you in Schmalkalden Online, 16. - 27. September 2024 |
3 | Frau Petschauer |
Fakultät Wirtschaftwissenschaften
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor |
Mathematics | 5 | Ms Clauß |
Soft Skills | 5 | Prof Herbert/ M.Rickes |
Current Topics in Marketing | 5 | Prof Ullrich |
Corporate Finance | 5 | Prof Heinemann |
Innovation in the Digital Era | 5 | Prof d'Andria |
Data Science | 5 | Prof d'Andria |
Microeconomics | 5 | Ms Kotsch |
Principles of Marketing | 5 | Ms Kotsch |
Financial Reporting | 5 | Prof Gemeinhardt |
Principles of Economics | 5 | Ms Fröbrich |
Financial Accounting | 5 | Ms Fröbrich |
Behavioural Economics | 5 | Dr Özgümüs |
Transformation and Change Management | 5 | Dr Aichroth |
Fakultät Informatik
Veranstaltung (Abkürzung bei Stud.IP) | ECTS | Professor |
Distributed Systems (7\ DS) | 5 | Prof Neuhardt |
Image Processing I and Compression Standards (7\ ImProc1) | 5 | Prof Chantelau |
Image Processing II (9\ ImProc2) | 5 | Prof Chantelau |
Metamodeling Platforms for Application Development (9\ MMPfAppDev) | 5 | Prof Johannsen |
Web Applications (9\ WebApp) | 5 | Prof Neuhardt |
Project Management (5\ PM) | 5 | Prof Englmeier |
Signals and Systems (7\ SigSys) | 5 | Prof Golz |
Fakultät Wirtschaftsrecht
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor |
Anglo-American Bankruptcy Management | 2.5 | Prof Schellberg |
Financial Management | 2.5 | Prof Schellberg |
Anglo-American Law | 2.5 | Prof Schackmar |
Doing Business in Germany | 2.5 | Prof Schellberg |
Fakultät Maschinenbau
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor |
International Engineering Week | 2.5 | Prof Kolev |
Fundamentals of Vibration Engineering | 5 | Prof Behn |
Fossils and Bio Fuels, Lubricants and Plastics | 5 | Ms Beugel |
Surface Engineering & Coatings Technology | 5 | Prof Dorner-Reisel, Dipl.-Ing. Siebeck |
Fundamentals of Laser Technology | 5 | Prof Rödel |
Engineering Mechanics | 5 | Ms Vitenko |
Achtung: Modul "Production Technology" fällt aus. Für Änderungen der Learning Agreement senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an io_projects@hs-schmalkalden.de.
Fakultät Elektrotechnik
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor |
Automatic Control | 5 | Prof Bachmann |
Computer Vision | 5 | Prof Schweigel |
Machine Learning | 5 | Prof Schweigel |
Digital Signal Processing | 5 | Prof Roppel |
Microelectronic Technologies | 5 | Prof Knechtel |
Introduction to LabView | 5 | Prof Schweigel |
Communication Systems | 5 | Prof Roppel |
Artificial Intelligence | 5 | Prof Bachmann |
Sensor Systems | 5 | Prof Knechtel |
Automation Control | 5 | Prof Bachmann |
International School
(a) Language and Communication: German
In the study area “Language and Communication: German" we offer German language courses during the semester from A1 to C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. They are aimed at all foreign students who wish to develop or broaden their knowledge of German language and culture during their stay in Schmalkalden. As the number of participants is limited, students are advised to register before the semester starts. Registrations are only possible via Stud.IP. The range of courses is as follows:
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor | Exam |
German Language A1.1 (Group 1) | 5 | Dr Toronyi | |
German Language A1.1 (Group 2) | 5 | Dr Toronyi | |
German Language A1.1 (Group 3) | 5 | Dr Toronyi | |
German Language A1.2 (Group 1) Blended | 5 | Ms Manco Villa | |
German Language A1.2 (Group 2) Blended | 5 | Ms Manco Villa | |
German Language A1.2 (Group 3) Online | 5 | Mr Renz | |
German Language A1.2 (Group 4) | 5 | Ms Pesavento | |
German Language A2.1 (Group 1) | 5 | Mr Romero | |
German Language A2.1 (Group 2) | 5 | Mr Romero | |
German Language A2.2 (Group 1) | 5 | Ms Pesavento | |
German Language A2.2 (Group 2) Online | 5 | Dr Renz | |
Verbal Communication A2 (Online) | 5 | Dr Renz | |
German Language B1.1 (Group 1) | 5 | Mr Romero | |
German Language B1.1 (Group 2) Online | 5 | Dr Renz | |
German Language B1.2 (Group 1) | 5 | Mr Romero | |
Verbal communication B1 (Online) | 5 | Mr Renz | |
German Language B2.1 | 5 | Mr Romero | |
German Language B2.2 | 5 | Mr Romero | |
German Language C1.1 | 5 | Mr Renz |
(b) Language and Communication: English
In the study area “Language and Communication” we offer applied English language courses that are complemented by lectures on intercultural issues. The course on “Business English” prepares the students for demanding professional activities in an international context. The complementary courses on interculturality aim at an enlightened and reflected foreign experience with intercultural awareness. Additionally, we offer tailored courses on academic writing and reading in an international context. As the number of participants is limited, students are advised to register via Stud.IP before the semester starts. The range of courses is as follows:
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor | Exam |
Academic Reading Online |
3 | Dr Moura | |
Academic Writing Online |
3 | Dr Moura | |
Business English for Beginners (Group 1) |
5 | Dr Toronyi | |
Business English for Beginners (Group 2) |
5 | Dr Toronyi | |
Cross-Cultural Communication in a Global World | 3 | Dr Toronyi | |
International Business Communication | 5 | Ms Bagchi | |
Personal Branding | 3 | Ms Wassink | |
Successful Public Speaking (Group 1) |
3 | Dr Shegebayev | |
Successful Public Speaking (Group 2) |
3 | Dr Shegebayev |
(c) Introduction to German Studies
The study area “Introduction to German Studies” is supposed to facilitate the students’ orientation in the host country, to sensitise them to cultural and country-specific characteristics in Germany as well as to impart knowledge on Germany’s higher education system. Students are highly recommended to join the introductory workshop in English. Furthermore, the International Office offers field trips to various destinations in order for the students to gather country-specific experience outside the study location. It should be noted that these trips involve a small personal financial contribution. The range of courses is as follows:
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor | Exam |
Applied German Studies: Mittelbau-Dora Memorial | 1 | Ms Friedrich. | |
Applied German Studies: Exploring Diversity in Berlin | 1 | Ms Friedrich´ | |
Applied German Studies: Berlin | 3 | Dr Hornung | |
Introduction to German Studies | 3 | Dr Hornung |
(d) Introduction to European Studies
The study area “Introduction to International Relations and European Studies” addresses students from outside Europe as well as all other students interested in the socio-scientific analysis of international relations. There is a specific introduction in every semester, which is also suitable for beginners. The range of courses is as follows:
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor | Exam |
Introduction to European Studies | 3 | Dr Hornung |
(e) International Electives
The range of courses within the area “International Electives” is supplemented by courses on changing subjects in English. Those events cover comprehensive international aspects relevant to students from all fields. The range of courses is as follows:
Veranstaltung | ECTS | Professor | Exam |
Start-Up-Thinking and Entrepreneurial Spirit | 3 | Ms Wassink | |
We+ Social Leaders for Community Empowerment | 3 | Ms Wassink | |
Principles of Marketing | 3 | Ms Bagchi | |
Global Marketing Research Project | 5 | Ms Bagchi |