Admission requirements
General admission requirements and, if applicable, specific admission criteria apply to the various degree programmes. The chart below gives you an overview of the current general admission and language requirements for Bachelor's degree programmes. These also apply to Bachelor students in international mobility programmes.
GRAPH Admission requirements for studying at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences (PDF)
(I) General national university admission
In order to take up studies at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences, legally defined requirements must be met. According to the Thuringian Higher Education Act (§ 67), one of the following educational pathways must have been completed:
- General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur)
- Subject-related higher education entrance qualification
- Advanced technical college entrance qualification
- Master craftsman's examination
- State-certified technician, state-certified technician or state-certified business economist, state-certified business economist
- Recognition of further vocational training analogous to the master craftsman's examination
(II) Special national access to higher education
Studying without Abitur (without HZB)
Special university access for vocationally qualified persons - § 70 Para. 1 ThürHG
You would like to study at our university but do not have a university entrance qualification (Abitur, Fachhochschulreife, etc.) but have completed vocational training? Then under certain conditions, you can be admitted to the so-called "study on probation". You will be admitted to the probationary study programme if you have completed at least two years of vocational training and have at least three years of full-time employment. Both must be related to the degree programme you are aiming for. If you have achieved at least 30 credits in the period of your temporary enrolment of two semesters, the requirements for admission are fulfilled and you will be enrolled regularly.
(III) General international university admission
Are you interested in studying for a Bachelor's or Master's degree at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences or would you like to spend one or two semesters at our university as an exchange student? The chart below gives you an overview of the current general admission requirements and language requirements for Bachelor's degree programmes.
GRAPH Admission requirements for studying at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences (PDF)
If you would like to complete your entire Bachelor's or Master's programme at our university, you will find all the important information here:
complete Bachelor's or Master's programme at our university
Applicants with a higher education entrance qualification acquired abroad or internationally can check the DAAD database or the KMK (Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany) information portal anabin whether their foreign educational qualification is recognised in Germany.
Applicants with degrees from India, China and Vietnam need an additional APS certificate.
If you would like to spend one or two semesters at our university as an exchange student, you can find all the important information here:
spend one or two semesters at our university as an exchange student
(IV) spend one or two semesters at our university as an exchange student
If you would like to study at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences, but your school leaving certificate does not qualify you to study in Germany, you have the option of taking a university entrance examination. This is only possible when applying for a Bachelor's degree programme, but not when applying for a Master's degree programme.
Enrolment for the university entrance examination takes place with the application for a Bachelor's degree programme with the necessary documents listed below, including all requested language certificates. Please note that you can only apply for one degree programme in each application.
After your application documents have been checked, you will be informed about your enrolment for the admission examination. Once you have been admitted, you will be enrolled as a full-time student, but this is a temporary enrolment for two semesters.
In order to be admitted to your chosen degree programme, you must successfully attend the lectures and courses of your degree programme as well as the associated examinations. If you accumulate at least 30 ECTS credits during the period of your temporary enrolment of two semesters, you have fulfilled the requirements for admission and will be enrolled regularly.
To be able to take up a Master's degree programme, you must have a higher education entrance qualification and also fulfil other specific admission requirements. These can be found in the respective degree programme profile: