Access to e-books
Own end devices
University members can access all licensed electronic resources from the Cellarius University Library on their own devices.
Access to licensed electronic resources outside the university's stationary computers requires a VPN (Virtual Private Network).
We recommend the VPN client software Cisco AnyConnect. Installation instructions can be found in the wiki of the University Computer Centre.
Opening e-books
To open an e-book from the catalogue or the Discovery Service, click on the full-text link or button "Online Access" in the detailed view of the respective hit.
E-books on the ProQuest Ebook Central platform
You may be asked to create a ProQuest acccount. With a ProQuest account, you can download more pages per session than with the "Als Gast fortfahren" (Proceed as guest) option.
Most resources on ProQuest Ebook Central cannot be accessed by multiple users at the same time.
Saving and printing
Individual chapters/pages may be downloaded or printed for own scientific use. Passing on to third parties and systematic downloading by robots is not permitted.
More information can be found on pages 21-22 of the brochure Copyright in Academic Work (1.56 MB) from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Tip: Save individual chapters/pages in a reference management software.