EndNote is a reference management software. You can get an overview of the features on the developer's page.
![EndNote Logo EndNote Logo](/fileadmin/portal/Bilder/Einrichtungen/Bibliothek/LITERATURVERWALTUNG/index.png)
Campus licences
The University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden has licensed EndNote 21 and the web application EndNote Online.
University members can use the software within the scope of the licence conditions.
EndNote 21
EndNote 21 is a desktop application for Windows and macOS operating systems.
- While downloading the installation files, your computer must be in the university network (e.g. via VPN).
- Download the installation files from the SAGS Thüringen page. If the download does not work, please contact the Cellarius University Library.
- Select the respective installation files for Windows or iOS.
- Before starting the installation, close all running programmes so that the plug-in "Cite While You Write" (CWYW) can be installed in the word processing programmes and in the internet browsers.
- Important: First unpack the zip folder completely and then begin the installation.
- Current output styles, import filters and connection files can be found on the EndNote download page. You can download a connection file for the catalogue of the Cellarius University Library.
EndNote Online
EndNote Online is a browser-based, operating system-independent software. It is a functionally limited version of EndNote.
Create an EndNote account and log in to EndNote online.
On the developer's support pages, you will find numerous English-language instructions and video tutorials.
You can direct your questions to the Cellarius University Library.