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Payment Semester Fee

Re-Registration for the next Semester

Under current legal regulations, every student has to pay contributions to the student body (currently 10.00 EUR) , to the Studierendenwerk (Student Services) (currently 85.00 EUR) and for the semester ticket (currently 74.36 EUR) meaning a current total of 169.36 EUR every semester.

Details to the semesterticket you'll find here: .

Time for Paying the Semester Fee

for winter term 2024/2025: 10.06 - 21.06.2024
for summer term 2025: 06.01. - 17.01.2025

Please pay the semester fee in the amount of 169,36 Euro to following bank-account:

account holder: Hochschule Schmalkalden
bank: Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
international bank account number (IBAN): DE 12 8205 0000 3001 1113 54
bank identifier code (BIC): HELADEFF820
reason for payment: 9620 20000 0480 (your student-ID)/(Semester for payment), respectively
surname, first name