In October of last year, students working in various energy supply companies began the course of study offered by Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences together with IfE - Ingenieurbüro für Energiewirtschaft GmbH. In two semesters, legal, economic and technical knowledge related to regulation management was imparted - knowledge that is indispensable for the long-term successful strategic and economic positioning of a utility company in the competitive environment of the energy industry.
After five block courses of three to five days each, which could be attended either on the university campus or online, the students took their final exam last Wednesday. They are happy to have successfully completed their studies - and to have grown together within the group. They will miss the joint attendance phases.
Lecturer Nicole Kreinberger notes in this context that the integration of the participants connected online worked very well. Due to professional appointments and sometimes long travel distances, not everyone was always able to be present on site. Kreinberger goes on to say that time and space for the discussion of practical experience is regularly and deliberately allowed in the courses.
The division of the program into self-study and attendance phases makes it very easy to combine work and study. Examinations are directly integrated into the course of study and take place during the attendance phases, which last several days. Small year groups and individual support ensure excellent study conditions.
Further information on the Regulatory Manager (FH) program is available at or from study coordinator Peggy Schütze (03683 688-1762).
The continuing education program at a glance:
- Form of study: part-time
- Duration of study: 2 semesters
- Degree: University certificate
- ECTS: 30 credits
- Fee: 2.400 Euro per semester
- Attendance times: 5 block courses of 3-5 days each
- Study location: Schmalkalden and online
Advantages of the study concept:
- Practical knowledge for direct application in the workplace.
- Personal support by a fixed contact person during the entire study period.
- Flexible learning through extensive self-study phases.
- Small study groups with networking in the online campus.
- Concise attendance phases for discussion with professors and fellow students.
- Avoidance of stress peaks by taking exams in modules.
- Study expenses count as income-related expenses.