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Looking Back on the Hochschule Schmalkalden Buddy Program 2024 Journey

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As the Hochschule Schmalkalden Buddy Program 2024 comes to a close, we look back on a journey full of meaningful connections and transformative experiences. This program, created in the winter semester 2024 in collaboration with DEGIS Schmalkalden, has served as a platform for cultural exchange, fostering friendships, and providing invaluable support to our international students throughout their time in Schmalkalden.

We extend our sincere gratitude to our 20 mentors whose dedication, time, and effort made this program a success. Their commitment to guiding, encouraging, and sharing their personal experiences played an essential role in ensuring that our international students felt welcomed and supported. From introducing German traditions to assisting with academic challenges and daily life in Schmalkalden, their contributions have been central to this enriching experience.

We would also like to thank our mentees—the international students who participated with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a spirit of openness. Their willingness to embrace new challenges and adapt to a different culture has been truly inspiring.

We are incredibly proud of what has been achieved through this program and grateful for everyone who has contributed to its success.

The Hochschule Schmalkalden Buddy Program 2024 was supported through the STIBET program, financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from funds of the Federal Foreign Office. The STIBET program aims to support international students during their studies in Germany and offers a range of activities designed to enhance their academic and cultural experience.