HSM.Internationaler 2024 - Field trip to Azerbaijan
Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences was able to secure a project within the framework of the DAAD funding line HAW.International funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The subproject “Short-Term.International” aims to support students with limited mobility experience by offering practice-oriented short-term mobility opportunities. In 2024, students will have the opportunity to participate in three seven-day stays1 with full scholarships:
- A field trip to Wroclaw, Poland, will take place from 01.09.2024 to 07.09.2024
Students can apply for participation under a full scholarship until 21.07.2024 The official announcement of the mobility can be found here. Applicants should use the application form provided. - A field trip to Baku, Azerbaijan will take place from 03.11.2024 to 09.11.2024.
Students can apply for participation under a full scholarship until 21.07.2024 The official announcement of the mobility can be found here. Applicants should use the application form provided. - A field trip to Rio de Janeiro und Belo Horizonte, Brasilien will take place from 08.12.2024 to 14.12.2024
Students can apply for participation under a full scholarship until 21.07.2024 The official announcement of the mobility can be found here. Applicants should use the application form provided.
[1] Participation in only one event within a year is allowed (Poland or Azerbaijan or Brazil). Transferring the nomination to another event is not possible.
For further information, students are invited to take part in the online information session taking place on 10 July 2024.
Additional information can also be found at
Good luck!
[1] Teilnahme innerhalb eines Jahres nur an einer Veranstaltung möglich (Polen, Aserbaidschan, Brasilien).
Eine Übertragung der Nominierung auf eine andere Veranstaltung ist nicht möglich. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
Call for Application Aserbaidschan