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Alumni Services

Stay in touch with classmates, other former students and be the first to know about upcoming events. Schmalkalden University’s faculties offer a vast and supportive network of alumni. Register now to keep up-to-date:

Faculty of Computer Science

The Association of Alumni of Business Informatics and Computer Science Schmalkalden, ALWIN e.V. for short, was founded at the Faculty of Computer Science at Schmalkalden University in 2001.

What are the goals of the association?

1)  First and foremost, organising regular graduate meetings. The reliability of organising such a meeting every year, for example on a Saturday in May, is an asset that should not be underestimated. The meeting of fellow students from one year will certainly not be sustainable in the long run. If people who are important to you are missing from time to time, the motivation to come in the future dwindles. If, on the other hand, the association organises such a meeting at the place of study, it results in the following advantages:   

  • A programme that informs you about the development of the faculty in the past year, provides for the exchange of professional matters, offers discussion rounds, and that introduces new graduates with a ceremony.
  • You not only get to meet your former classmates but a wide range of other graduates and alumni. Expand your Schmalkalden University network to other years and degree programmes in one evening. 
  • You see members of the faculty again, and learn about developments in the professors' fields and their impact on teaching, research and technology transfer. This maintains an identity with the faculty, a bond that alumni are usually proud to have.

2) Contact between the Faculty of Computer Science and the companies to which you belong is encouraged. This can be done, for example, by arranging internships or bachelor theses for current students and graduates, or by organising company visits. But it can also lead to joint projects or initiate an exchange of knowledge and experience on specific topics.  

3) Another point is to deal with suggestions for changes in the offered teaching. There are no better critics of the faculty's teaching than our graduates. With their in depth knowledge about the faculties courses and modules, even after only a few years in their professional careers, our graduates and alumni can ascertain what topics to expand and which to reduce to give new students an even better experience.

4)  A large association with legal members in addition to natural persons may well be financially able to support individual projects. For example, graduates could be supported in professional development or faculty members could be supported in academic projects and stays abroad.

5) The maintenance of a graduate database is ensured by the association. Over the years, there will always be changes to one of your addresses. This may mean that you can no longer be reached by the association and your fellow students. At the latest when you notice that the annual invitation to the alumni meeting is missing, you can have your database entries corrected.  

Further information on ALWIN e.V. can be found here

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

For years, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has endeavoured to maintain contact with its graduates. Usually in autumn, the faculty invites all graduates who have graduated in the course of the last twelve months to a festive farewell event, followed by a cosy get-together.

At the central graduate reunions, which take place every five years, the "mechanical engineers" usually play a not inconsiderable role, both in terms of the programme and attendance.

Through contact with our alumni, we often enable current students to find places for internships or final theses. This is a path from which both sides benefit.

Many seminar groups or entire cohorts meet regularly and often visit their old educational institution, where they are shown around the campus by faculty staff and informed about the latest developments. There are seminar groups that have been meeting annually for 50 years!

We also welcome you to join our alumni network. To do so, the faculty must have up-to-date email addresses of its graduates.

Faculty of Business Law

The Alumni Association of the Faculty of Business Law has set itself the goal of shaping and enriching life after graduation together with the graduates. The association would like to facilitate contact with former students and offer the opportunity for joint events.

With this in mind, a large celebration for all alumni is taking place every summer. To stay up to date on this, you are welcome to follow us on Instagram and join the association as a new member. We look forward to every contact with graduates and hope to welcome you as a member of the Alumni Association soon!

You can find the statutes of the Alumni Association and the application for membership here

You can reach us at:

E-Mail:​​​ wire-alumni(at)

Faculty of Economics

The Faculty of Business and Economics invites all its graduates to network in the LinkedIn group schmALUMNI.

Our alumni network stretches all over the world: meet former fellow students, make contact with other alumni, get in touch with your lecturers or hear about schmALUMNI meetings. The network offers an excellent platform for personal or professional exchange of experiences as well as career opportunities or cooperation. We would like to support you in building your network and maintaining your relationships with other schmALUMNI.

Alumni of all study generations or study programmes of the Faculty of Business and Economics (formerly Department of Economics) are welcome - whether from the diploma programmes in Business Administration and Economics, the bachelor programmes in International Business and Economics (IBE), Economics, Business Administration, Economics or Business Psychology or the master programmes IBE and Corporate Management up to the certificate programmes such as Sports Management as well as Tourism and Hospitality.