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Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus

Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus accounts with the domain will no longer be valid from 01.01.2024.

Registration and administration of Microsoft Office 365 accounts via our homepage is currently not possible due to the changeover.

The use of Microsoft Office 365 is free of charge for students and employees of Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences:

If you need a new Microsoft 365 account, please send us an e-mail and we will register it for you. For this we need your name and your e-mail address associated with Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences.

For a password reset, please also contact us by e-mail, stating your user name (university e-mail address).

As soon as your request has been processed, you will receive an e-mail from Microsoft with your initial password. Sign in to with your university e-mail address and this password to complete the process.

A self-service solution will be provided soon.




Error messages and their solutions


If you get an error message or have problems setting up your Microsoft 365 account, you can find some solutions here:


1."User account 'E-mail-Adresse" from identiti provider [...] does not exist in tenant 'Technische Universität Ilmenau' and cannot access the application[...]"

This error message appears if you had an old Micosoft 365 account registered on your system. It was stored that Microsoft 365 connects to the old tenant of TU-Ilmenau.

To fix this, enter (for employees) or (for students) as the login name and wait for the message that this account does not exist. This will initialize a connection to our new Microsoft Tenant. You should then be able to log in with your new account.


2."Your account was not set up on this device because device management could not be enabled. This device might not be able to access some resources, such as WiFi, VPN or email."

When logging in, you will be asked whether the device may be managed by the organization. This option is only available for Windows Professional Education/Enterprise. Log in again and disable the Checkbox of the corresponding query.


3."no editing possible"

This message appears in connection with MacOS. Carry out the following steps to resolve this:

1. Close all Office applications

2. in "~Library/Group Containers" delete this folders


-  UBF8T346G9.Office    

-  UBF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost

3. type in Spotlight Keychain and open Keychain. Search for Office and delete this files:

- Microsoft Office Identities Cache 2     

- Microsoft Office Identities Settings 2

4. restart your Mac, start and activate your Office


If this does not help you or if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please send us an e-mail with as detailed description of the error as possible, including a screenshot of the error message.