Dual Degree
We offer a dual degree programme to our best students. Details about the application process and the procedures, as well as an introductory presentation, will be given during your first semester in Schmalkalden.
We have dual degree agreements which will give you access to an Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree at the following leading business schools in the United States and Spain, and to a Master of Science (MSc) degree at a superior university in Canada, England and Iceland.
As a student of the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden you will be exempted from tuition fees. Coordinated curriculums at both universities allow you to complete both programmes without loss of time.
Partner universities

University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge (AB), Canada

Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau (MO), USA

St. Mary's University, San Antonio (TX), USA

Eastern Washington University, Spokane (WA), USA

University of Jaén, Spain