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Englischsprachige Lehrveranstaltungen für Austauschstudierende im SoSe 2025

Austauschstudierende können fakultätsübergreifend beliebig viele der auf dieser Seite angegebenen englischsprachigen Lehrveranstaltungen besuchen und die jeweiligen Prüfungen belegen. Englischsprachige Lehrveranstaltungen, die nicht auf dieser Seite gelistet sind, sind für Austauschstudierende zur Prüfungsanmeldung nicht zulässig. Wenn Sie als Austauschstudent/in fakultätsübergreifend deutschsprachige Lehrveranstaltungen (dazu zählen nicht Sprachkurse Deutsch) belegen möchten, begrüßen wir das; informieren Sie sich über das deutschsprachige Lehrangebot gern über die Curricula der einzelnen Studiengänge und senden Sie binnen einen Monats nach Semesterbeginn dieses Formular ausgefüllt an die Mobilitätsverwaltung.

Fakultät Wirtschaftwissenschaften

Veranstaltung ECTS Professor
International Trade Theory and Policy 5 Prof Richert
Macroeconomics 5 Prof Richert
Statistics 5 Ms Clauß
Management Accounting & Management Control. Modul A 5 Prof Schuster
Finance and Investment 5 Prof Heinemann
Cost Accounting 5 Ms Fröbrich
Digital Business 5 Prof Richter
Real Estate Economics 5 Prof d'Andria
European Economic and Monetary Union 5 Prof Richert
Intercultural Management 5 Ms Kotsch
Exchange Rates and International Macroeconomic Policy 5 Ms Kotsch
Bank Management Ms Kotsch
Economics of Climate Change 5 Prof Störmann


Fakultät Informatik

Veranstaltung ECTS Professor
Computational Intelligence (8\ CI) 5 Prof Golz
Media Production (8\ MP) 3 Prof Chantelau
Agile Project Management & Software Development (6\ AgilSWDev) 5 Prof Englmeier
Selected Chapters of Functional Programming (8\ FunProg) 5 Prof Neuhardt
Mobile Systems (MobSys) 5 Dr Sommer
Blockchain Applications (4\ Blockchain) 5 Prof Englmeier

Fakultät Wirtschaftsrecht

Veranstaltung ECTS Professor
International Finance Management   Prof Schellberg
WPM European Labour Law   Prof Ulbrich
European and International Restructuring and Insolvency Law    Prof Gompertz
WPM Private International Law 3 Prof Schackmar
WPM/SQ International Sales Law and Arbitration
(can also be taken as a block course)
  Prof Schackmar

Fakultät Maschinenbau

Veranstaltung ECTS Professor
Numerical Heat Transfer Simulation 5 Prof Pietzsch
Production Technology 5 Prof Löser
Simulation driven design 5 Prof Dietzel

Fakultät Elektrotechnik

Veranstaltung ECTS Professor
Communication Networks 5 Prof Roppel
Human Machine Interaction 5 Prof Schweigel
Robotic 5 Prof Schweigel
Sensor Systems 5 Prof Knechtel
Digital Signal Processing for Engineering Applications 5 Prof Roppel
Machine Learning 5 Prof Schweigel

International School
(a) Language and Communication: German 

In the study area “Language and Communication: German" we offer German language courses during the semester from A1 to C1 according to the ECFR. They are aimed at all foreign students who wish to develop or broaden their knowledge of German during their stay in Schmalkalden. They are not designed for native speakers and have a limited number of participants. Registration on Stud.IP is required in order to take part in the German language courses. The range of courses is as follows:  

Lectures ECTS Lecturer
German Language A1.1: Group A 5 Ms Petschauer
German Language A1.1: Group B Ms Petschauer
German Language A1.1: Group C Ms Manco Villa
German Language A1.2: Group A 5 Ms Pesavento
German Language A1.2: Group B Ms Manco Villa
German Language A2.1 5 Ms Pesavento
German Language A2.2 5 Ms Pesavento
German Language B1.1 5 Dr Renz
German Language B1.2 5 Dr Renz
German Language B2.1 5 Mr Renz
German Language B2.2 5 Mr Renz
German Language C1.1 5 Mr Renz

Incoming students with a very good knowledge of German are kindly invited to register for the Centre for Key Skills courses here.

(b) Language and Communication: English 

In the study area “Language and Communication” we offer applied English language courses that are complemented by lectures on intercultural sensitisation. The courses on “Business English” prepare the students for demanding professional activities in an international context and are also offered within several skill levels. They are not designed for native speakers and have a limited number of participants. The complementary courses on interculturality aim at an enlightened and reflected foreign experience with intercultural awareness. Additionally, we offer tailored courses on academic writing and reading in an international context. The range of courses is as follows: 

Lectures ECTS Lecturer
Academic Reading 3 Dr Moura
Academic Writing 3 Dr Moura
Personal Branding 3 Ms Wassink
Intercultural Business Communication
Part 1: not specified
Part 2: not specified
(You would have to participate in both parts of this lecutre)
6 Ms Bagchi

(c) Introduction to German Studies 

The study area “Introduction to German Studies” is supposed to facilitate the students’ orientation in the host country, to sensitise them to cultural and country-specific characteristics in Germany as well as to impart knowledge on Germany’s higher education system. Students are highly recommended to join the introductory workshop in English. Furthermore, the International Office offers field trips to various destinations in order for the students to gather country-specific experience outside the study location. It should be noted that these trips are not compensated with credit points and involve a small personal financial contribution. The range of courses is as follows: 

Lectures ECTS Lecturer
Introduction to German Studies and Studying in Germany 3 Dr Hornung
Applied German Studies: Berlin 1 Dr Hornung
Applied German Studies: Dresden/Leipzig 1 Mr Rausch

(d) Introduction to European Studies

The study area “Introduction to International Relations and European Studies” addresses students from outside Europe as well as all other students interested in the socio-scientific analysis of international relations. There is a specific introduction in every semester, which is also suitable for beginners. The range of courses is as follows: 

Lectures ECTS Lecturer
Introduction to European Studies 3 Dr Hornung

(e) International Electives 

The range of courses within the area “International Electives” is supplemented by courses on changing subjects in English. Those events cover comprehensive international aspects relevant to students from all fields. The range of courses is as follows: 

Lectures ECTS Lecturer
Start-Up-Thinking and Entrepreneurial Spirit 3 Ms Wassink
Principles of Marketing 3 Ms Bagchi
SPIRIT Mentoring Programm 3 Ms Wassink
Global Marketing Research Project 6 Ms Bagchi
Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies   Dr Hornung
Applied Cultural Studies: Against Racism and Antisemitism     1 Mr Olivera